Modern Arnis Hall of Fame Foundation

In the summer of 2011 following the Modern Arnis Reunion I was informed that prior to Prof Presas’ passing he wanted to form a Modern Arnis Hall of Fame. In addition I was told that I was one of seven names given by Prof Presas to the HOF trustee, Michael T....

Kuntaw Promotion

So today was my monthly private lesson in Kuntaw and Sikaran. Near the end of the class I was surprised by my teacher. Based on my advancement in the forms execution I was promoted from green belt to blue belt tonight! I’m looking forward to my next lesson where...
2013 Trip to the Philippines

2013 Trip to the Philippines

I started going to the Philippines in 2007 and have been going bi-yearly ever since. This was my 4th trip over and the most memorable. Traveling with me was Craig Mason of Canada, Dan Meck from Philadelphia and Lyman Prior from Maine. All of us are Modern Arnis...